Welcome to Love at First Flight, the official travel blog for Girls Vacation Club (GVC), written by the GVC Founder, Vanessa. Now that we got that out of the way, I want to tell you a bit more about myself, how I got into travel, and why I want you to too.
Let’s start with the formalities. I am a wife and mother of one who lives in the Washington, DC suburbs. I have lived in DC and the DC area my whole life, except for a stint in Baltimore for both my undergraduate and graduate careers. For my fellow Bears, I send a loud and hearty “M.S., U Know!” (and if you don’t get that reference Morgan State is accepting applications, I highly recommend the well-rounded and beneficial educational experience you will get while there). But I digress.
While at Morgan State, I started planning group travel for my fellow classmates. We went to Florida, on Caribbean cruises, and other fun destinations; but it wasn’t until a conversation with my mother that I decided to make travel my passion. While sitting in the airport waiting for a flight to take us on our first cruise together (my first, and her second), she mentioned that she wished she traveled more, but that she just couldn’t afford it. That. Broke. My. Heart. READ MORE